Monday, May 24, 2010


Things are generally ok with me and the boys. Not always smooth, but we recover from our bumps quickly. Today, however, would bring new meaning to the word meltdown.

I had to go out for a good portion of the day today. My dad was kind enough to watch the boys as I ran around desperately seeking a tile for our kitchen backsplash with our builder Rick. The boys had fun, they played ourside a lot. They were so happy to see me when I came home. It was so nice. My dad and I took the boys (and their cousin) in the pool. The boys had a ball. Even Pierson jumps in the water all by himself. He is so proud of himself, yelling "watch Bumpa" anytime my father dares pay attention to another grandson of his. The boys were exhausted and it was time for dinner so we got them out of the pool. And that's when the meltdowns began. Both Cavan and Pierson were a mess. Thankfully Pierson pulled himself together enough to eat. Cav however was a tantruming mess! After an hour or more of screaming and crying, a few vodka drinks for mom, lots of bribery, Cavan finally ate enough of his dinner. And what do you know, his attitude instantly improved. All I can say is it's a good thing these boys are cute.

Keith called today. It was so nice hearing his voice. It's amazing how the sound of him talking just instantly calms me and makes me smile. I think he has a similar effect on his boys. They definitely miss their daddy. When I mentioned him to Cav, Cav lost it. Screaming about how he wanted daddy right now. Sometimes I want to throw fits when I miss Keith, so I can relate to Cav's outburst.

I think I may bring the boys on my errands tomorrow. The errands will take longer, but at least they may actually be happy. Let's hope!

Hope your Monday involved far fewer tears than mine did!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Cait, sounds like a crazy afternoon!! I had a feeling when we were on the phone- I hope things are settling a bit. Love what you said about understanding Cav's feelings. Big hugs to you and the crew-- I'm going to be turning it in early tonight for a long snooze. Maybe we can catch-up tomorrow or Thurs.? Are you excited for this weekend?? XOXOXO Love you, Madeleine
