Lol, yes that was a nickname for the second half of our workout today. The first half was 8 sets of 3 reps of front squat. I maxxed out at 180 lbs. Not too shabby! :). Then we followed this with 150 burpees for time. For those that have never done a burpee, you should look it up and give it a shot. One heck of a workout. I managed to do 75 burpees without pausing. I shocked myself making it that far. I then had to break up the last 75 burpees into sets of 5 or 10. I finished after 12 minutes and 34 seconds. I was soaked in sweat. Today was the first day I ever took my shirt off at the gym and walked around in my sports bra. My tank top was drenched and I was covered in dirt. All in all a good trip to the gym.
I got to make a cake and cupcakes today with my dear friend Kelly. It's her son's 7th birthday tomorrow and since he has celiacs disease, we made gluten free cupcakes and cake. They came out adorable and delicious. Guess I should have taken a pic huh?
Luckily my hubby made a reservation at our neighborhood cluhouse for dinner tonight. Such a relief to not have to cook after baking all day. Here are a few pics of my little men having dinner.

Once we got home from dinner we had a nice quiet evening. I read Cav a book and Pierson snuggled daddy.

I love my Cavan kisses! He is so cute!
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Cait!!! I need to print these pictures at home so I can have the boys on my desk at work. SO SO SO CUTE!!!!! You all look great. Love you girl and thanks for your weight loss tip- i'm trying it today and blogging about it tonight:)) XOXOXO