Friday, May 7, 2010

Back pain cured!!

So for the past three days I have been suffering from a strained and spasming back muscle. I finally gave in and went for a massage. To my surprise, it worked a miracle. I feel brand new again! Thank you Melissa at Spring Lake Chriropractic, a friend of mine from Crossfit. :). She has healed my aching back! Now let's just hope I don't do anything dumb to re-injure it. I highly recommend massage therapy for anyone with spasming or strained muscles.

On another note this is my first attempt at blogging from my iPhone. So excuse my random pic, if it appears. I need to get the hang of this.

A pic of my boys reading a book together this morning.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!!!!! So happy you are feeling better. Cait, I love this picture of the boys they are such cuties. Hope the rest of your Saturday is going great:)))) XOXOXOXO
